Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Paint Chip Sample Easter Garland


You can use different shapes for different occasions: anniversary, new baby, wedding, Christmas, Halloween, Valentine's Day, etc.


-paint chip samples (free!)
-tape or Glue Dots™*
-string, yarn or ribbon, etc. to hang the garland

Cut out shapes. Tape each shape onto a long piece of yarn, ribbon or similar. Hang.

Don't have cookie cutters? No problem. Use a template or print shapes found on the internet to make a pattern.


* What are Glue Dots™?

"Glue Dots are double sided adhesives that bond instantly to any surface! Available in Permanent and Removable formulas.

  • -Easy to use
  • -Mess free
  • -Non toxic
  • -No dry time required

Monday, March 25, 2013

Decorating on the cheep/cheap w/plastic Easter eggs

Source & Inspiration:

Text from the blog:

11 Ways to Decorate Plastic Easter Eggs
"34 cent bag of small plastic Easter eggs, one challenge. Find 10 different ways to decorate them using only what you have in your house. You got it...!!"

Cap's Log: Inexpensive, easy and quick craft projects using plastic Easter eggs. Plastic eggs can be found everywhere including Dollar Tree, Walmart, JoAnns, Target, Goodwill, etc. I bought a variety of sizes and colors. Stock up on plastic eggs after the Easter holiday for next year. You'll want to make more of these! The challenge and objective: use craft items to decorate the eggs using only what you already have on hand.

Most of these eggs were decorated by our decorous Cap'n Mad Ellen.

Provisions used:

Alene's glue, ribbon, buttons, silver thread, paper dots, glitter, sequins, washable paint, etc.


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Pretty Peacock (Warning: more sequins and glitter!)

Masterfully created by Effervescent Ethel and original design and direction by Cap'n Mad Ellen.
Inspired by

(I'm going to rearrange the eyes with minor reconstructive surgery. We don't want an angry peacock!)

Setting up the craft-arranging-piecing.

Close up of the crest and feather. I made five small circles with a hole punch using dark blue paper. Then I added a dot of glue, spread it on each dot and dusted with dark blue glitter.

Materials used:

-paper: green for the feathers, off white for the eye area and quills, dark grey for the beak, dark blue for the brush-like crest on the peacock's head, dark green for the crest, too; purple background. The fancy gold and blue background paper is from the Paper Company in the color 'Turquoise Paisley' and made in India (US$1.00 with 50% coupon at JoAnns).
-sequins: gold, blue, light blue, green
-glitter in light blue/turquoise, orange colored glitter glue and dark blue
-hole punch
-two black buttons for the eyes

A little bit about peacocks from the San Diego Zoo website:

 India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka; Southeast Asia; central Africa

 Forests and rain forests

 Grain, insects, small reptiles and mammals, berries, figs, leaves, seeds, and flower parts

 27 to 51 inches long, depending on species

 Are called peachicks!
The long tail of an adult male is called a "train" and can reach 6 feet long!
Colorful Characters
Most people call them peacocks, but that's only the correct name for male of this type ofbird. Females are called peahens, and the whole group are peafowl. There are three types of peafowl in the world: Indian, green, and Congo. Most people are familiar with the Indian peafowl, since that is the kind found in many zoos and parks. Indian peafowl live in India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, green peafowl are found in Southeast Asia, and Congo peafowl are from central Africa.  

The Indian peacock has some of the brightest feathers, but the peahen is a drab, mottled brown in comparison. The male needs his bright feathers to attract a mate, and the female needs to be able to blend in with the bushes so that predators cannot see her while she is incubating her eggs. 

A group of peafowl is called a "party" or a "pride"! The Indian peafowl is the national birdof India and is protected in that country. In the Hindu religion, the peafowl is a sacred bird, because the spots on the peacock’s tail symbolize the eyes of the gods.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

DIY Pot o' Gold Part II

Last minute DIY Pot o' Gold craft project. This one is quick and easy. Source unknown.


-sequins in rainbow colors
-black crayon or marker
-gold glitter


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Shamrock Thumbprints




-green ink pad
-green marker or crayon for the stem (can use black, too if you prefer)
-green sequin for center of the clover (or use a green rhinestone or button, etc.)


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

'The Pigeon' inspired by Mo Willems

 'The Pigeon' painted by Effervescent Ethel, March 2013


-pencil to trace the outline of the bird
-paint (white, yellow and blue/green)
-black crayon or black marker for the bold outline
-white paper
-thin paintbrushes


Saturday, March 9, 2013

DIY Pot o' Gold

Inspired by:

At the hardware store last week, I walked by the paint department and picked up paint chip samples in rainbow colors. I had chenille stems on hand for this project but the idea struck me that perhaps strips of paper paint samples might work:


-terra cotta pot or wooden pot (for this project I would have preferred to use a smaller pot but JoAnne Fabrics was out of stock of the small sizes and the smallest the hardware store had was 3" diameter.)
-black paint (spray paint; however we used kid-friendly washable paints)
--gold coins or gold foiled covered candies (we bought gold coins at JoAnns on sale 40% off)
-paint sample paper strips (paint chips) <<<---free! or chenille stems in rainbow colors
-(optional) green grass: paper, Easter grass or similar (for instant grass run a piece of green construction paper through a paper shredder)
-cotton balls or quilt batting to make the clouds
-paper cloud cut out (I cut out a cloud shape from a small paper plate)
-popsicle stick or similar item cut in half (to attach the cloud to)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Back to basics: Painting Daffodils


-paint (green, yellow, white)
-paint brush 


Saturday, March 2, 2013

Here comes Peter Cottontail...


Supplies needed:

  • -old fashioned clothespins. I used Woodsies brand No-Roll Clothespins.
  • - paint in different pastel colors or primary colors that can be mixed to make pastel colors  (light purple, light yellow, light pink, etc.).
  • -googly eyes
  • -small embellishments for the ears: sequins, flowers, loose glitter, etc. Note: I probably wouldn't use the flowers I chose for this craft. However, I'm trying to use up the craft items I already have on hand. The flowers used for our clothespin Easter bunnies are a bit too large and were difficult to adhere and stay. Smaller flowers would work better or use stickers or small sequins.
  • -small pom poms for the bunny tails (white or light pink)
  • -very small pom poms for the noses (can substitute black sesame seeds, [black] glass seed beads or similar)
  • -(optional) black paper scraps to make bow ties or ties for the boy bunnies
  • -clear glue
  • -paintbrush
  • -fine tip black marker for the nose, mouth and whiskers

...hoppin' down the bunny trail...

...hippity-hoppity Easter's on its way!