Thursday, April 17, 2014

Toilet Paper Bunnies Easter 2014

A battalion of bunnies!

 Does the fabric for the bunny's ears look familiar?

Goodness, but this was a time consuming craft project! The Ebony Oyster crafty crew made 28 of these little bunnies to distribute on Easter Sunday. First day, paint the toilet paper rolls. Let dry. Second day cut out bunny ears (46 and few extra pairs for any crafty emergencies). Attached fabric, paint, or glitter to the ears. Let dry. Third day, add facial features. Fourth day, decorate the rest of the tp rolls including the attachment of tails. Fifth day, add any details/fix mistakes and pass Cap'n Mad Ellen's muster. Whew.

We used many craft items from our stash:

Bunny bums

-scrap paper
-ribbon, lace
-loose glitter
-scrap fabric
-googly eyes
-iridescent beading string (for whiskers)
-toothpick for painting small details (pupils, eyes, etc.)
-masking tape
-permanent marker
-mini satin hair bows
-mini pom poms for tails
-paper dots
-Q-tips (we cut off the cottony end and used them as bunny tails)
-1 small paper plate (I started using a paper plate to cut out bunny ears because we used up our tp surplus!)

Cost: $0

After glueing the ears to the rabbit body we reinforced the ears using masking tape. Don't forget to sign and date your bunny using permanent marker! 

Oops! Forgot to include a close up of our ven'rated Cap'n Mad Ellen's Babushka Bunny!

Time to swab the craft deck!


Pirate toilet paper bunny original design and crafted by Ebony Oyster media darling Miss Effervescent Ethel.

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