Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Fall Banner

One of the first few posts to this craft blog was for a Halloween banner using fabric scraps. It's been on my Crafty Swab Bucket List ever since I posted about it. Yesterday I rummaged through the fabric stash and pulled out seasonal autumn fabric, ribbon, hem facing/seam binding, ric rac, lace, and yarn to create this banner. No sewing required!

To make:

-fabric scraps
-other scraps including ribbon, lace, yarn, etc.
-pinking shears or scissors
-ribbon or string to hang up the banner

The scraps of fabric were cut into strips of various sizes. Some were only 1"-2" wide and other up to 4-5" wide. Their lengths varied as well-anywhere from 6"-16". I used the pinking shears to cut ragged/jagged edges to the fabric to give it the texture of autumn leaves.

The scraps were tied on without knotting. That way if I needed to rearrange it would be much easier to do that.

Cost: ΓΈ

I'm not sure yet if I like the way the banner is hanging on the wall. I may be repositioning it at some point.



  1. That turned out INCREDIBLY cute! Also, side note: I need you to photograph my craft projects from now on :-) My photos always make my projects looks lumpy. Not really sure how that happens. Yours look fab!

  2. On behalf of the crew of the Ebony Oyster and your dear Cap'n Mad Ellen, we thank you most graciously!
