Monday, November 18, 2013

Paper Teepees

We used:

-medium brown construction paper and beige drawing paper  (instead of fun foam for the teepees in the original instructions-I'm not a fan of fun foam). I glued the two pieces together to make them sturdier. A suggestion to you would be to use a heavier paper such as card stock or similar.
-online print outs of numerous Native American symbols and a Native American boy (which EE turned into a girl simply by adding eyelashes)

Cost: few copper coins

Cap'n's Log---

We've been hitting some major hurricanes (Small Craft Fails aka "Failies" as the crew calls 'em) in the Craft Department lately; out of kilter I reckon but we hope and pray to get back on a straight course as soon as possible! The craft project was successful in the sense that no crew member complained. I'd rate it a 3 out of 10.  Harsh sentence, I know. I wouldn't say I'm in a rut rather the craft projects haven't quite met my expectations. The same goes with cooking and photography. Aye, guess I am in a rut. We'll set a course for adventure; a time for a new....small crafty project! Come aboard! We're expecting you...!

Your belòved Cap'n ,

C.M.E. 19 November 1713 Year of our Lord
