Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Button Box

Since Effervescent Ethel was a wee babe I've been casually (meaning when I remembered and not very often) collecting buttons-contemporary, used and retro/vintage to add to a box. I've been storing the buttons in a nondescript container. Then I recalled I had an old shoe box-sized tin in the attic! I picked it up in a second hand store for $1 back in my college days and it was perfect for holding the buttons. I also bought a small ceramic jewelry trinket box ($1.49 second hand) for loose buttons and placed it inside the tin box. Many of the buttons in the collection were from my mother's stash that I inherited but also include those I've discovered in antique stores, yard sales/boot sales, flea markets, craft stores, etc. Every few months ( I try!) I buy one button or one card or set of buttons; JoAnns' Craft store is a good source especially when I can use a 50% coupon or take advantage of their 2-for-1 deals.

Marked on the bottom Container Made in Western Germany 

When EE is older she can use the buttons for crafting, sewing or save the box ("pass it down") if she has a girl of her own some day. But for now, these are as I explained to Effervescent Ethel "look-at" buttons only.

The old tin box had a sharp edge on the lid because the closure/clasp or whatever it was missing when I purchased the box. I sanded down the dangerous "pokey" metal parts and used Alene's Glue to attach buttons. The cardboard shoe box insert (that came with the tin I might add) was lined with specialty paper.

Lucky to find a pretty trinket box with a heart design!

I picked up these vintage buttons at a local antique shoppe and they are for EE's upcoming birthday in May. $3.00 total. The white buttons are very basic but I liked the illustrations on the display card.

Some old, some new, some broken, some blue

Finally, I crafted a greeting card (this one: and inserted a note explaining about the box and its contents. This was presented to her as a Valentine gift in lieu of chocolate (which she hates) and other stuff that would ultimately end up in a landfill.

Your child can start his/her own special box of collections today! Ideas would be: rocks, small fossils, marbles, movie tickets, post cards, a collection of small items that are the same color, shape, or theme, etc. The objective here is small: meaningful, symbolic, cherished items that don't take up much space (unlike ^%%=$!+*^! Beanie Babies or of that ilk).

Suggestions for storing your treasures would include boxes such as a "treasure chest" (look for these second hand or buy an unfinished one at an craft store and decorate as desired!), Mason/canning jar, cosmetics' box, fishing tackle box (either metal or plastic), etc. Scope out your local antique stores, yard sales/ boot sales, second hand stores (Goodwill, St. Vincent de Paul, etc.) for inspiration to display your small treasures.


I wonder how a pirate would say ARRRRRR!! in German?

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