Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Round Two: Paint Chip Christmas Trees, etc.

Finished with our on board tasks (there's only so much cooperin' a salty dog can do!) and stuck yet in this bloody iceberg (all coopered up, hARR, hARR!), we've resorted once again to craftin' paint chip Christmas trees or ___________ (fill in the blank). To whit, until further notice or until this cursèd ice breaks and we are once again free to pillage the nearest craft stores, it be paint chip sample craftin', arrrrrr!

Signed, (<<<---don't worry your britches off, it's just red paint)

Shifty Eyed Shelley, Master Cooper and Protector of the Crafty Provisions and 'is assistant Blind Beck (mini-Cooper if you will)

9 December 17summin-er-othuh

Effervescent Ethel's (taking minimalism to a whole new exciting level: Minimal Minimalism!)

The Cap'n's contribution to the craft cause!

I do fancy the snowflakes!

 Cherry wine! Yo ho!

World's smallest greeting card!


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